Tuesday, August 31, 2010

005 Libraries can be stressful

I really liked drawing Hilda, if only because her face is built so differently from Grace and Nancy. And the head thunk is taken from real life after some bad days at work. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

004 Daydreaming of Grace

Alex has Grace on the brain, but he's got some bad self image issues. Also: Nancy notices everything O_O.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

003 Alternate History?

And this is Grace Parker, another one of Nancy's friends at the library. She has her own way of answering reference questions that may or may not involve mixing real history with comic books. The Sun King has some good old Jack Kirby thrown in for good measure, or at least I tried to throw some in there.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

002 Weeding Headaches

Dust! Headaches! A tiny woman in a big library! What does it all mean???

I'm really happy with some bits of this page and not so much others. Also, let this be a lesson to all future artists: unless you also like drawing books, never set your comic in the library. The books will rise up and overwhelm you!

Was also going for a Marvel Comics style of quick labels with Nancy's portrait and job title. Even though she has an ordinary job, I thought it'd be cool to do.

Have fun, everyone!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

001 Beginning of a Beginning

This is it, the part where I throw myself out onto the internet and hope this works. Starting a webcomic is akin to being continuously shot out of a cannon. I would have more to say about this crazy endeavor, but one of the first rules of having a webcomic is to have a comic to put up. Here is page one of who knows how many pages, and with luck and hope it won't be the last. I will try to be brief though!

For people who may have found their way here on accident, this is an adult webcomic that deals with a number of related fetishes, namely female muscle growth, breast enlargement, and a little bit of giantess. There might be some others I may touch on but those are the main ones.

I am Titaneer, a self taught artist and writer by trade, and this represents one of my first forays into the world of sequential art. I have been working as an artist in female muscle growth (FMG) art for over three years now and hope to continue my craft. I'd like to weave a somewhat interesting story for people and provide a nice setting for Nancy and her friends. With any luck this story will be equal parts naughty and nice and have some intrigue here and there, but overall I hope you will find this entertaining.

So let's get started, and enjoy!