Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I haz committed the worst of Webcomic faux pas!

(or however you pronounce it) O_o;

I posted a message in my DA that I'm temporarily stopping updates for Librarian because the schedule was not something I could reasonably keep up with given everything outside of doing a webcomic. It IS going to return, but I don't have any ideas on when. The story won't change, but I want to make the quality better since I personally feel that is an area I think that the latest pages at which the latest pages have not been so good.

Stay tuned! I am still drawing, trying to hone my craft at http://titaneer.deviantart.com . Check it out for new stuff while waiting for Nancy to return.

Also, my apologies for pulling a Homestar Runner and not letting people know what is up! I have no intention of giving up on Nancy, just have to figure out how to make this webcomic work while balancing everything else that happens in life. It's still a lot of fun, but I have to pay the bills sometime.