Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I haz committed the worst of Webcomic faux pas!

(or however you pronounce it) O_o;

I posted a message in my DA that I'm temporarily stopping updates for Librarian because the schedule was not something I could reasonably keep up with given everything outside of doing a webcomic. It IS going to return, but I don't have any ideas on when. The story won't change, but I want to make the quality better since I personally feel that is an area I think that the latest pages at which the latest pages have not been so good.

Stay tuned! I am still drawing, trying to hone my craft at http://titaneer.deviantart.com . Check it out for new stuff while waiting for Nancy to return.

Also, my apologies for pulling a Homestar Runner and not letting people know what is up! I have no intention of giving up on Nancy, just have to figure out how to make this webcomic work while balancing everything else that happens in life. It's still a lot of fun, but I have to pay the bills sometime.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Nancy and a Faceful of Boob

This won't be in the comic when it's finally up, but I liked the idea and thought you might get a kick out of it too. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

022 What the Internet is for

Eep, look out, Nancy! You've been ambushed by someone! And she's also probably had an eyeopener on FMG erotica. Hehehe. I belatedly thought that I should include some icons in the mural bit in the middle but at the last moment only managed to throw in my own character, She-Beast. Ah well, always next time. I did try to include some classic BE/FMG tropes including science gone awry and wishing stars and other weird stuff. But for us fans of it, weird is good XD. It's also fun to draw Nancy freaking out when she sees something that gives her a WTF face.

See you on Friday!

Monday, October 11, 2010

--- A Special Comic for a Special Month

Given my love of breasts great and small (and small breasts ARE great ;) ) I thought I should do at least one comic to touch upon this month. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We can all do our part to try and lead the fight against breast cancer. It's not just about saving breasts, but about saving lives too. It is a struggle no one should face alone.

Breast cancer affects men as well; Peter Criss of KISS survived his battle with male breast cancer. It can happen, and hopefully one day we can stop this terrible thing called cancer once and for all.

Save the women, save the boobies!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

021 Feeling Like A Superhero

After finishing this page, I thought the tone was a little too Stan Lee-ish for what's gone on before. Then I realized Nancy was probably still feeling pumped from hulking the heck out the night before. She's earned a few moments like this as long as only Hansi is around to not break the illusion.

Next week she returns to the library to hopefully learn some secrets about FMG... oh boy is she in for an eye opener. See you next week!

020 Cake?

So my nap after work ended around midnight, with me working from then until now to get this page out to you guys. No giant muscles or boobs but I hope you find it enjoyable! And there is more Hansi. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fallout 3 ate my life - Here's something to tide you over until later today!

Let this be a lesson to you all who are planning on starting a webcomic; get a great buffer going early so that there aren't any interruptions for when things happen, like me picking up Fallout 3. Sure, I'll only play for an hour... and many hours later it is three in the morning O_o.

Nancy will answer the door and we will learn what happens next later today. For now, please accept this is a small token. Plus, makes me want to travel out west in Fallout and find this mythical Vault (after I draw the comic of course!)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

019 Crazy Morning After

I think I'll go back to drawing on pencil and paper for the rest of this week's drawings. I've noticed I tend to thicken my lines a lot when I do everything digitally, which makes it hard to make things finely detailed.

Nancy has a stranger at her door! Who could it be? We shall find out on Wednesday.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

018 Cracking The Walls

This is the first page of Librarian Hulked to be done completely on the computer. Usually I scan the pages and then digitally ink and color them. I prefer pencil and paper still, but I still dig going completely digital.

Enjoy and have a safe weekend. Nancy will be around when Monday comes. She needs some major rest now.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

017 Juxtaposition

Nancy really can't get enough of this FMG stuff!

I hope you guys have enjoyed this. This week has been crazy in real world land but it's always a treat when I can stop to work on this comic.

For people who just follow this blog and not my posts over at Deviant Art: I'm going to cut back here in a week or so and make Librarian a twice a week comic. This is so that I can work on commissions and hopefully generate some extra income. Money's tight with everyone it seems but hopefully I can make it worth folks' while.

Have fun and stay safe! I'll see you on Friday.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

016 A Tribute to the Scorpions

I have no idea why this song was going through my head when I was drawing this page, but it really seemed to fit, and so Nancy starts belting the song at the top of her super lungs when her breasts reach critical mass. It has been fun finally getting to some FMG!

Thanks for all your kind words regarding the series so far. It's still a treat to do but I'm still experimenting with coloring and drawing and such. Hopefully it's a little bit of entertainment for your day!

And hey, old people get randy too. I'm just not going to draw it lol.

Friday, September 24, 2010

015 Nocturnal Eruptions

Here's page 15! Nancy's really starting to lose it now, and loving it :)

014 Super Mega Awesome Can't Stop

Here's your first dose of Nancy growing for the day! Be back in a few with another one. Hope you guys are having a swell Friday.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Comics are coming

Heya! More pages are coming, folks. This week was very busy outside of the webcomic world, and barring nuclear disasters there will be comics to see!

Nancy is not one to keep waiting O_o

Monday, September 20, 2010

013 What Good Friends Do

As I write this, it's very late (or early) and I'm stoked to finally get to some breast expansion. I wish I could say I was saving up these lines that Nancy has, but she really has a mind of her own when it comes to these things.

Stay tuned! We are just getting started. I also have to say that I love Nancy's screen name, and that I didn't steal it or Grace's from anybody. I probably didn't make it clear enough, but the pink/purple box beside Grace is supposed to be her laptop. Ah well, I hope you like!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

012 Mindblown

And Nancy's mind is completely blown. And she forgot all about Patrick. Hansi is worried about his owner.

I know it's been a while, but next week is when things start to get interesting for Nancy and the comic lives up to its title. I'll see you then!

Artist tip: if you're drawing a scene and then continue to use the scene in other panels, take note of all the details so nothing is either vanishing or reappearing. I've had a terrible habit of doing that during these pages. Not an awesome thing to forget furniture.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

010 On Eros of Old

And here we get our first glimpse of Eros. I was going for peacock feathers with his wings, which I think was because I might have had Katy Perry's song "Peacock", which illustrates how the word peacock sounds like you rammed the words "penis" and "cock" together XD.

Anywho, If I had infinite time I know how I would want to do every page of Librarian, but this is my best at the moment and hopefully my best will get better. Enjoy! Nancy is beginning to delve into forgotten matters...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

009 The Real Thing

What's this? Nancy's in the outfit on the first page! And there's the book! And her lil doggie, Hansi! There's a HULKING a COMING!

Seriously though, I had a lot of fun drawing this page, but I'm still negotiating the problem of drawing stuff without leaving room for dialogue balloons. Stan Sakai would be ashamed.

Soon Nancy will open the book and her world will officially go nuts. Not in the same way as some of my past works, but no less spectacular I think you'll find.

Take care and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

008 Shopping for Chances

Was happy enough just to experiment with coloring to make it look like night. A little thing but I was happy with how it turned out. Enjoy! See you on Friday.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

007 She's always looking over your shoulder

At last we meet the library director for the Steelberg Public Library. Honestly, Jez isn't always scary. It's just an aura that she tends to project. And hey, she did actually marry someone as well, as you can tell from her wedding band. Personally, I think Jack's a lucky guy, who we may meet some day.

Nancy's almost home alone with the book, but it has been fun getting there. See you on Wednesday!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

006 Closing Time and Going Home

I like how this one came out, mostly. I wanted to have all the characters at the bottom displayed according to their relative heights, but I was still pretty happy with it. And we end the week on a cliffhanger!

Also, I will be out of town and away from computers until Monday afternoon or evening, so Monday will have a late posting. But it will be there!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

005 Libraries can be stressful

I really liked drawing Hilda, if only because her face is built so differently from Grace and Nancy. And the head thunk is taken from real life after some bad days at work. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

004 Daydreaming of Grace

Alex has Grace on the brain, but he's got some bad self image issues. Also: Nancy notices everything O_O.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

003 Alternate History?

And this is Grace Parker, another one of Nancy's friends at the library. She has her own way of answering reference questions that may or may not involve mixing real history with comic books. The Sun King has some good old Jack Kirby thrown in for good measure, or at least I tried to throw some in there.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

002 Weeding Headaches

Dust! Headaches! A tiny woman in a big library! What does it all mean???

I'm really happy with some bits of this page and not so much others. Also, let this be a lesson to all future artists: unless you also like drawing books, never set your comic in the library. The books will rise up and overwhelm you!

Was also going for a Marvel Comics style of quick labels with Nancy's portrait and job title. Even though she has an ordinary job, I thought it'd be cool to do.

Have fun, everyone!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

001 Beginning of a Beginning

This is it, the part where I throw myself out onto the internet and hope this works. Starting a webcomic is akin to being continuously shot out of a cannon. I would have more to say about this crazy endeavor, but one of the first rules of having a webcomic is to have a comic to put up. Here is page one of who knows how many pages, and with luck and hope it won't be the last. I will try to be brief though!

For people who may have found their way here on accident, this is an adult webcomic that deals with a number of related fetishes, namely female muscle growth, breast enlargement, and a little bit of giantess. There might be some others I may touch on but those are the main ones.

I am Titaneer, a self taught artist and writer by trade, and this represents one of my first forays into the world of sequential art. I have been working as an artist in female muscle growth (FMG) art for over three years now and hope to continue my craft. I'd like to weave a somewhat interesting story for people and provide a nice setting for Nancy and her friends. With any luck this story will be equal parts naughty and nice and have some intrigue here and there, but overall I hope you will find this entertaining.

So let's get started, and enjoy!